s e e k e r of truth. Bringing little trinkets back from the cave of creativity ✴︎


When I create, I am seeking the beauty at the root of all that is. I am searching for glimpses of truth among the multifaceted and ever-shifting mystery of life.

I am a full time artist and poet residing in Western Canada. I believe art gives voice to the mystical within the mundane, and I create in an attempt to translate those whispers (or shouts) that arise like sudden clarity during those every day human moments.

I approach the creative process as a space where earth and spirit can collaborate. I believe making art is an inherently intuitive act and when we allow and trust what wants to be created through us, we are given exactly what we need.

I live life through the lens of strong (and often overwhelming) emotion and it is from this space that much of my art is birthed; in seeking to share my experience and the feelings that flow in, and striving to create a physical representation of that which is beyond adequate explanation.

Much of my art is made as a testament to my own emotional landscape and my awe of the unknowable things.

Thank you for connecting with me on this journey. I see the me in the you and the you in the me.

-Chelsea Skye

divine cosmic space energetic artwork Lunarlilt
about Chelsea Skye art