Find the space where me blurs into you . . .

about Chelsea Skye art
divine cosmic space energetic artwork Lunarlilt

s e e k e r of mystical truths. creating art that dances at the conjunction of earth and spirit ✴︎

When I create, I am seeking the beauty at the root of all that is. I am searching for glimpses of truth among the multifaceted and ever-shifting mystery of life.

I am a full time artist and poet residing in Western Canada. Ever since I can remember I have felt a deep reverence for the beauty of this existence. Again and again I am called to transform these feelings into a physical and knowable form. This is why I create; in hopes that other souls will also be moved by the mystical beauty that I feel surrounding and within us all, and to attempt to understand it myself.

I approach the creative process as a space where the sacred can speak. I believe making art is an inherently intuitive act and when we allow and trust what wants to be created through us, we are given exactly what we need.

I experience life through the lens of deep emotion and it is from this space that much of my art is birthed; in seeking to share my experience and the feelings that flow in, and striving to create a physical representation of that which is beyond adequate explanation.

My art speaks to me through symbolic language and themes which expand into my daily life. Creating is my transformation, my healing, and my anchor to purpose.

I am inspired by the whole of this existence and draw deeply on my perpetual awe of earth, spirit and cosmos when I create. Much of my art is made as a testament to emotional transmutation and mystical wonder.

Thank you for connecting with me on this journey. I see the me in the you and the you in the me. - Chelsea Skye