. t r a n s f o r m .

transformation artwork cosmic spiritual artwork

In the midst of transforming we might feel lost. We may feel new in a strange space. These feelings are buds waiting to open. We are floating in the liminal ready to be reborn into ourselves.

Lately it has felt hard to find a foothold. A space to keep climbing. I have had to take rest as self-care. I have had to acknowledge that more time is needed to calm the noise in my mind. More time. Always in process. Always moving towards something. The moving outwards from myself to new yearnings has me tired. Has me looking for another way. A softer way. A way that allows kindness to trickle through into my self-talk.

If I have learned anything for sure, it is that trust is the only true way through. Radical trust. Faith in the good here in this world. Faith in our movement towards the honest things.

This body and this mind have moved through so much in my life. Have held me through storms I never meant to meet. I am ready to thank myself. I am ready to come home to the ease and joy that are waiting with open arms. Waiting for me to take the next step out of my worried thoughts and into trust and truth.


Joy Nectar